【高雄醫學大學】「國際原民文化 X 那瑪夏生物多樣性研習工作坊」

「國際原民文化 X 那瑪夏生物多樣性研習工作坊」
Indigenous biodiversity and culture workshop for international students in Taiwan

活動日期:112/11/17()下午 12 時至 112/11/19()下午 5
Event timeNov. 17 (Fri) 12:00 pm – Nov. 19 (Sun) 5:00 pm, 2023
集合地點:高雄醫學大學同盟路校門口 (地點: 22.6489, 120.3103)
Meet-and-greet locationKaohsiung Medical University (KMU) Tongmeng Rd. Entrance (GPS coordinates: 22.6489, 120.3103)
活動地點:高雄市那瑪夏區 (南沙魯舊區公所旁據點) 倉庫
Event locationNamasia District, Kaohsiung City
費用:免費(不包含:活動之外的交通費及 10/29 晚餐和住宿)
FeeFree for all admitted applicants. (NOTE: We do not cover transportation between Kaohsiung and the participant's city of residence. Nor do we cover lodging on the night of Oct. 29 after the event should the participant decide to stay in Kaohsiung)
活動對象:全國大專院校國際生 14 人,額滿為止
Who can applyInternational undergraduate and graduate students at any university in Taiwan. Due to space limitations, we can only accept 14 participants.
報名方式:即日起至 112/11/9()下午 5:00 止,採「網路報名」,QR-Code 連結如下:
Application deadline2023, Nov. 9, Thr., 5:00 pm.
Application form: Click here

1. 完成報名不等同實際活動錄取。
2. 112/11/15()前會以 email 通知申請結果。
Special notes
1. Register completion of registration does not mean admission.
2. We will notify applicants by email before Nov. 15, Wed., 2023.

活動洽詢: 高雄醫學大學「那瑪夏地區及高雄原鄉永續發展」計畫團隊 K.M.U. Sustainable Development for Namasia District and Kaohsiung Indigenous Areas 黎昱靈.電話:(07) 3121101#2381;聯絡信箱:R121104@kmu.edu.tw Have questions? Please contactLYNN, LI/E-mail: R121104@kmu.edu.tw

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