淡江大学境外生专案入境说明 TKU Overseas Students Entry Information
2022年10月13日起适用 Effected October 13, 2022
1. 入境对象 / Applicants
新生及未持有效居留证之境外学位生(包含外国学生、侨生、港澳生及陆生) 。
New students and returning students who have no valid ARC.
2. 签证办理 / Visa Application
(1) 学生凭录取通知书办理签证或入出境许可。
Students can apply for the Resident Visa with Acceptance Letters.
(2) 请务必于入境前5个工作天通知学校入境日期。
Please inform the International and Mainland Students Guidance Section 5 workdays before your arrival.
(3) 桃园机场及松山机场皆可入境。
Students can arrive at either Taoyuan or Songshan international airports.
3、接机方式 / Pick-up
All the contact between university and students will be proceeded online via Line official account.
4. 防疫规范 / Quarantine
(一) 检疫天数:0+7天自主防疫 '0+7' plan
1. 自主防疫期间如无症状,且2日内快筛阴,可外出及到校上课。
Students can go to the campus taking class if they tested negative within 48 hours during their self-quarantine.
2. 入境当日为第0日,隔天第1日至第7日期间,每2日做一次快筛。
The arrival date is the day 0. Students can take the self-test on the day 1 and doing the self-test every 2 days.
3. 若有症状,请即通知学校。
Please inform the university once you test positive.
(二) 检疫场所:
1. 若无症状,可入住符合一人一室(独立卫浴)条件之租屋处、亲友家、旅馆或学校宿舍(限淡江学园住宿生)。同日入境之住宿生,得多人同住一室。
For accommodation during the "0+7" phase, arriving international students can stay with friends or relatives, in hotels, self-rental units, and dormitories.
The one condition is that these accommodations must follow the principle of one person per room, with a separate bathroom from other occupants.
In the event that students have arrived together, they can stay in the same dormitory.
2. 若有症状,可入住符合一人一室(独立卫浴)条件之租屋处、亲友家、旅馆或学校隔离宿舍(限住宿生)。
If a foreign student experiences COVID symptoms upon arrival in Taiwan, they must undergo a saliva PCR test at the airport.
Next, they must be transported by quarantine taxi or other special vehicle arranged by the school to a quarantine dormitory.
Please refer to the regulation of CDC press on September 29th : https://www.cdc.gov.tw/En/Bulletin/Detail/nEBLnOPooDYFy_CBJqfWvg?typeid=158
2022年10月13日起适用 Effected October 13, 2022
1. 入境对象 / Applicants
新生及未持有效居留证之境外学位生(包含外国学生、侨生、港澳生及陆生) 。
New students and returning students who have no valid ARC.
2. 签证办理 / Visa Application
(1) 学生凭录取通知书办理签证或入出境许可。
Students can apply for the Resident Visa with Acceptance Letters.
(2) 请务必于入境前5个工作天通知学校入境日期。
Please inform the International and Mainland Students Guidance Section 5 workdays before your arrival.
(3) 桃园机场及松山机场皆可入境。
Students can arrive at either Taoyuan or Songshan international airports.
3、接机方式 / Pick-up
All the contact between university and students will be proceeded online via Line official account.
4. 防疫规范 / Quarantine
(一) 检疫天数:0+7天自主防疫 '0+7' plan
1. 自主防疫期间如无症状,且2日内快筛阴,可外出及到校上课。
Students can go to the campus taking class if they tested negative within 48 hours during their self-quarantine.
2. 入境当日为第0日,隔天第1日至第7日期间,每2日做一次快筛。
The arrival date is the day 0. Students can take the self-test on the day 1 and doing the self-test every 2 days.
3. 若有症状,请即通知学校。
Please inform the university once you test positive.
(二) 检疫场所:
1. 若无症状,可入住符合一人一室(独立卫浴)条件之租屋处、亲友家、旅馆或学校宿舍(限淡江学园住宿生)。同日入境之住宿生,得多人同住一室。
For accommodation during the "0+7" phase, arriving international students can stay with friends or relatives, in hotels, self-rental units, and dormitories.
The one condition is that these accommodations must follow the principle of one person per room, with a separate bathroom from other occupants.
In the event that students have arrived together, they can stay in the same dormitory.
2. 若有症状,可入住符合一人一室(独立卫浴)条件之租屋处、亲友家、旅馆或学校隔离宿舍(限住宿生)。
If a foreign student experiences COVID symptoms upon arrival in Taiwan, they must undergo a saliva PCR test at the airport.
Next, they must be transported by quarantine taxi or other special vehicle arranged by the school to a quarantine dormitory.
Please refer to the regulation of CDC press on September 29th : https://www.cdc.gov.tw/En/Bulletin/Detail/nEBLnOPooDYFy_CBJqfWvg?typeid=158