
  • 2022-12-05
  • 谢文彬
本校2023-24年赴英欧语姊妹校交换生联合甄选将于惊声大楼T1005会议室举行。 面试时间及序号请详附件。
1. 请于您的面试梯次开始前15分钟至会议室门口报到。
2. 请携带学生证及语言能力证明文件正本以备查验。
3. 届时有课者,可于持请(公)假单至本处盖章。(请自行于面试前至学务资讯系统申请公假)

The interview of the TKU exchange students internal screening 2023-24 will be held at the T1005 meeting room. Please see the attachment for the interview time and order.
1. Please sign up 15 mins before your interview in front of the T1005 meeting room.
2. Please bring your student ID and the original copy of language certificate for verification.
3. Students who have class at their interview time could stamp their application form for official leave at the OICSA office. (Please apply for official leave via the Student Affairs Information System before the date of interview)