2019.12.20【TKU Community Cultural Activity】境外生(侨生、外籍生、陆生)温馨接送情联谊活动

2019.12.20【TKU Community Cultural Activity】境外生(侨生、外籍生、陆生)温馨接送情联谊活动

Dear Overseas Students:

Welcome to the big family, Tamkang University. To help you adapt to the local environment and culture of Taiwan, Tamkang University will host a lunch meeting entitled “TKU Community Cultural Activity” on Friday, 20th of December from 12PM to 13:30PM.

The event on 20th December is the first phase for overseas students and the host families to mutually understand each others. The second phase will be made by the host families contacting the overseas students for the diverse events.
Overseas students interesting in the event, please filling out the online application by 17th December.


本校于2019年12月20日(周五)中午12时至1时30分,举办境外生联谊活动,当天您将与本校教职员工餐叙进行第一阶段认识; 若有意愿参加第二阶段活动,淡江教职员工将与您联系后续活动,欢迎境外生于2019年12月17日(周二)前上网报名。
